Sunday, February 3, 2019

Oh Fordite, how you elude me

Bah. Fordite seems like it should be something you can do in soap, yet it eludes me. I can't get the layers thin enough and part of why is that the pour takes so long that the batter thickens up by the end. The fineness of the lines is something I have seen only in a swirl made of numerous lines of color that are then pulled at least twice but Fordite doesn't have any pulled pattern to it. It is just layers or the thinest of concentric circles. What to do, what to do.....

My batter got just a touch applesaucy while I was pouring, which made the lines less crisp. Such a shame.

Try, try again.

This gets closer but is just not right. Perhaps it's the color choice or maybe that I gelled.

Here's the real deal.

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