Friday, October 9, 2015

Lucky me!

I had a bad week of soaping. Everything had issues, from separation, to ricing in the mold to being just blech. I made a T&S mold out of legos because there is no 1 pound T&S mold that I have found, and then I had to put it to use. I don't know why but I decided to do a hanger swirl although I was not looking for a butterfly pattern. When I get to the bottom of a box of tallow, I always get a lot of crackling; there must some settling of different fats from top to bottom but I have nothing in which to melt 50 pounds of tallow to reintegrate everything, so I just expect the additional problem at the end of my box.

I think with this soap, the crackle works very well. This may be my favorite batch of soap ever because I like the flow and the old-fashioned look it has. Maybe it's not old-fashioned but just has a certain character that I like. Breaking a streak of lousy soaps may also endear me to it. I tried a similar thing in a different 1 pound mold but my colors were very thin and the background batter was much thicker. It's a very different soap from the first but I am happy with it too although the black soap wins out.

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