Monday, December 28, 2015

Decided to try some lily pads and a pond and it came out fairly well, although the surface was not smooth, because of doing a back-to-back soap. The other side was dreadful, so we shall just pretend it didn't happen. It is so difficult to get photos of what our eyes see, or so it seems to me, and I liked the variation I got in the water, so I took another turn at it. Since we had a snowstorm, I thought I'd take pictures of it coated with snow, for an On Frozen Pond look. It was more difficult than I thought because for some reason my camera wouldn't get a good focus on it often (too cold out?) and then the melting snow started turning the soap white.

This next week or two will be filled with black and white soaps for a challenge. It's such a classic and classy combo, but now the challenge is to design something to do the combo justice. It will be tough and there will be stiff competition, no doubt. I've done a couple but am waiting for a killer soap to come out of the cut. Not certain it will happen. Started getting a wet spot on the black soap so it has to dry out before any more photo shoots.

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