Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Black and Whites

I did a B&W Ribbon pour lest night and got some funky results. I am using low water because it keeps the colors more distinct from each other, or at least that is my observation, but I'm having a hard time getting a deep black, even though the batter looks oily black. The gel is different on low water soaps and I'm wondering if that makes a difference or if it has to do solely with water content and not the gel. Or maybe I'm really not putting enough black in it.

Anyhow, I got this out of the mold last night and I got such a kick out of it! Sorry, I didn't get the photos cleaned up yet and it's been nothing but cloudy cloudy cloudy with the flattest blue light; I need to get some outdoor photos but I was hoping for some sun. Not likely any time soon.


  1. Well i don't know about you, but the artwork appearing on them , (or what can be interpreetted as art) is mesmerizing to me.especially the symmetrical ones.

  2. I wish I could say I had been able to make that purposefully, but alas, it is an outcome from the pour. Even so, I loved the sides that together, made the "artwork" you are referring to.
