Thursday, January 14, 2016


I cannot recall what started my searches for colorful birds. That's not to say it wasn't a good or inspired idea. After all, I have not a clue what prompted me to make my first batch of soap but whatever it was, it lead me to an awful lot of fun. Looking at the numerous colors, forms, shades makes me stare at the screen almost as if catatonic, but it's really mesmerism. It seems impossible. How would it feel to be so beautiful, graceful, strong yet fragile? I'm sure they feel normal and like any old bird but little do they know....

It was not my best idea, perhaps, to turn to bird pictures for soap inspiration because anything I make will crumple under the scrutiny between the bird and the bar, but it was still worth the try.

You can see the dilemma, I'm sure. From the first, I wanted to make a more abstract soap, with the feel of the wings spread for flight and the incredible colors surrounded by the blur of green. Yes, I should take my pictures in real light instead of beneath the kitchen light, but it's been gray gray gray here and the light is extremely cold and bluish. I used Nurture's Mint Green for the background, which looks more lovely in real person and much more washed out in the picture. At first, I was happy with the feel of the swirl but the next day, all I could see was a crab. I will have to use the same technique to do a sea theme, I guess.

The other soap was intended to be very literal. I really wanted a soap version of the row of birds sitting on a branch. Mine looks, um, not literal. And the branch looks a bit like a piece of poo. My yellow batter was YELLOW but seems to have run and hidden behind some green, some green that went from a fresh spring day and mated with some pea soup. Bah. I wisely decreased the diameter of my swirl tool but unwisely did not decrease it enough. A bit too much, wouldn't you say? I may try again but with a much thinner tool and see if I can get just that bit of soap moving instead of what looks like Nutribullet version of the beauties' fine pates.

I did like the top of the first soap.

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