Saturday, February 27, 2016


I have not been making much soap lately as I have not been feeling very inspired. I seem to be devoid of creativity this month but I know my head is wrapped up in an upcoming bathroom remodel and so have been collecting bits and pieces and envisioning what I want. I can't start it though until I know I have an uninterrupted shot at finishing in one swoop and I worry for myself as sustained attention is not a strong suit. I hope having to got to the basement for the john would be incentive enough but I am very adaptable to mess, disorganization, and inconvenience which does not work in my favor here.

Anyhow, I have to run a challenge in MAy and have been trying to prepare. I spent a ton of time and made HUGE mess on one tutorial only to have my fantastic purple/violet color take a hike and never come back, leaving me with fleshy tones which look gross and then my technique didn't do what I wanted. Easier to think about the bathroom.

Spurred on from zebra soap lady, Cara, I soaped last night looking for another in I can use for my challenge. Last month was spin soaps. I can honestly say that I'm not that fond of the technique for whatever reason. when I had tried it before, I was looking for alternatives/variations and used a high sided box lined with freezer paper. I poured a faux funnel, stuck a dowel in the corner of the box and whipped it around the dowel, like you would a hula hoop. It gave okay results but it's limited in it's use because the soap goes several inches up the side and so you have to have the right size box. Being a lazy mold finder, I have not repeated it esp since the effects don't light a fire for me. However, I saw a post from Shieh Soaps and she did a spin that did. She laid out her soap I believe with a faux funnel but instead of the jerky movement of the spin swirl, she took her entire mold and briskly moved it in circular pattern on the counter. It gave a very nice effect without all the jerking spilling I get when I do spins. I also saw a pattern I can use for my challenge. I tried myself last night but laid out the soap in a radial pattern, like spokes of a wheel. I got a nice effect as well. I suspect that no matter how you pour your soap, you will get something similar because of the nature of the swirl, but I could be wrong and I have not tested that theory.

I can see a nice Carrera marble look in the gray side of my back to back soap. I can't give up on the universe so my other side a repeat of the grays and blacks i made earlier. I like the other galaxy soap better though.

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