Sunday, September 20, 2015

From the soap pot

I managed to hit some late evening sunlight while taking pictures of s few of my discoloring FO soap. The green cast has given way to more of a tobacco brown and in the rich evening light, they look deep and stony, which I like. The light was fleeting so I didn't get many pictures but later this week I will try again. I always seem to get marks and odd spots on my soap, but I suppose that's a reflection of me, since I am incapable of not being messy.

I made another batch with a discoloring FO, not knowing if I would ever like any of my other batches, and I'm impatiently waiting for them to fully discolor. I used BB's Cedar and Saffron so the yellowed parts should go caramel brown.

I made a small batch in a chai tea carton because I can't find a vertical mold that I like yet. First, the carton is not structured sturdily enough for a batch of batter so in spite of my impromptu supports, they are oddly shaped. They also came out completely other than what I expected and I do mean completely. I got no distinction between my colors, which looked pretty obvious in batter, and I thought I'd get a visible pattern but instead it almost looks like a got a bleeding gradient type soap. Not complaining because someone will be happy to wash with them.

My espresso soap is simply not going to get dark. It seems a shame.

I've got one more batch that is currently under wraps, trying to gel. I'm very hopeful it will complete gel soon enough that it can cool enough for me to get a slice tonight. If I'm lucky, it will be post-worthy.

All the dogs are staring at me, moaning and groaning, so time for a walk. Later!

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