Friday, August 21, 2015

Last of the pictures

Here are the rest of the pictures I took for the challenge. It's odd; there are almost 1400 people signed up on the challenge page but only about 4-5 people have posted anything. I was really hoping to see a lot of different photos and ideas and it was such an interesting challenge, so color me disappointed. I didn't make any wallopingly unique soaps for it because I was focused on the ingredients and the pictures I had in my head about how to present them, but I tried something different (for me) the other day but it was with a discoloring FO and I have to wait for it to discolor to tell if it's anything decent. It looked completely blase when first cut but is looking better with a little color, so far. Nothing outrageous.

I have an egg one to do, but I think I'll forego it since I look like a prat posting tons of photos all by myself.

I have to post my inverted stamp, as it pertains to this blog name. I almost forgot about it!

I made this swirl recently, but it's a pretty standard slab swirl. Just looking at it popped an idea into my head which I will have to try tonight. I need something to perk me up.  And last is a random picture,  of one of my cats. I like how her whiskers came out.

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