Saturday, August 8, 2015

Nothing lasts forever

Destruction underway. I forgot about an idea I had been wanting to try so soap is in process plus I am trying to think of other additives for soaps for the challenge that could present some interesting photo ideas/opportunities.

I look out of my kitchen window every day and watch the yellow finches flitting from sunflower to sunflower, plucking seeds from the heads and littering the ground with shells and sometimes a dropped precious seed, which gives me next year's sunflower forest. I wanted to make a feather soap after the finches but with a bit more striping and more breadth of colors but I got more than intended. I'm certainly not unhappy about it, but I realise it looks more like the sunflower than the bird. That works; I can use it in a photo shoot for sure!

The colors should be brighter once it's saponified.

After a complete bust of a batch, which for once I was smart enough not to try to put on the backside of this, I made the flip side but I am not certain I like it or not. It's not quite what I imagined, in part because I stink at pouring my faux funnel spot-on in the middle. I generally like that kind of variation but I am on the fence with this one. The batter was a bit thicker than I anticipated (impatient and soaped warmer than I should have) so the soap didn't swirl like I thought it would. You won't find me complaining, just looking for how it could improve or look different. And of course, a cut bar can be a very different thing than the whole slab.

Made with juice squeezed from organic California green table grapes.

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